
etma’s standardisation strategy

Standardisation has been one of etma’s key tasks since the foundation of the association in 1959. Today, flexible tubes are the most broadly standardized packaging in Europe. There are currently 23 European flexible tube standards existing which are a worldwide benchmark in the tube industry. You can find the list of existing standards on etma’s website:

Advantages of industrial standards

Standards provide many advantages in the value chain such as

  • elimination of technical barriers to trade through the harmonisation of specifications and test procedures
  • better competitiveness and efficiency
  • reduced trading costs and simplified contractual agreements
  • increased product quality and consumer safety

In order to keep flexible tube standards up to date, they have to be checked regularly. This is guaranteed through the so-called periodic review procedure in the European Standardisation Institute CEN which takes place every five years. The relevant CEN working group where flexible tube standards are currently handled is CEN/TC261/SC5/WG26 “Packages made from flexible materials”

etma’s new standardisation strategy

Since CEN is currently facing problems to find a new convenor for CEN/TC261/SC5/WG26, etma is trying to establish a separate working group for flexible tubes only and to provide the convenor of this group.

etma strongly believes that through the takeover of the convenorship of the new working group for flexible tubes, etma’s projects could be handled more efficiently in cooperation with the CEN/TC261/SC5 Secretariat.

Currently, the following etma standardisation projects are blocked due to the missing convenor in CEN/TC261/SC5/WG26:

  • derogation procedure for a revision of the flexible tubes standards EN 15384-1 and EN 15385
  • new work items for a revision of the flexible tubes standards EN 15421, EN 15384-2 and EN 16284

etma is confident that the relevant decisions on the separate CEN working group for flexible tubes and the intended projects will be taken at the next CEN/TC261 and CEN/TC261//SC5 plenary meetings end of January 2025 so that progress can be made.

In this context, a well-functioning network between etma members and the representatives in the national standardisation bodies is essential so that these bodies vote in favour of etma’s standardisation projects during the official ballots organized by CEN/TC261/SC5. Usually, at least the support of five CEN member states is needed to kick-off a European standardisation project.

In future, standardisation and regulatory affairs will stay on the list of etma’s top priorities which are dealt with in etma’s Technical Committee consisting of experts from member companies. In cooperation with etma’s Secretariat, this committee is responsible for the production of new European tube standards and the revision of existing European standards within CEN.